The good/loopy generic stuff is supposed to establish the film's serious, parable-like themes, but "47 Ronin"'s creators seem to take the film's self-denying message too much to heart. The result ends up pitting the forces of uptight righteousness against a bunch of almost-attractive baddies, an uneven fight that says a lot about this confused and dreary "47 Ronin." Whatever its flaws as an interpretation of a legend, this movie still could have rallied to be stupid and awesome, but the filmmakers seem afraid to try. The gonzo sword-and-sorcery elements that should be the film's saving grace are invested with about as much detail as the tragic, tight-sphinctered, duty-centric stuff. Elements that should be flamboyant and fantastic are drained of exuberance. The action scenes are unimaginatively choreographed and shot, excessively edited, and often out-of-focus, and the script's fantasy elements are lazily strung together. You will see this film on an airplane, and it will put you to sleep.
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones is the only wide release opening on the first weekend of the year. The long running franchise will have to battle a weaker release date, franchise fatigue, and several holdovers that are still going strong. It still has a good shot at first place, as does Frozen. Frozen could win the weekend, with the help of families going out to the movies one last time before school starts again. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug probably won't extend its winning streak, but it should still be pull in quite a bit of money over the weekend. Last year the year started with Texas Chainsaw 3D earning more than $20 million. Django Unchained also topped $20 million over the weekend, albeit by the tiniest margin. We might have two $20 million films this weekend as well, with as many as five additional films earning more than $10 million. If 2014 doesn't win in the year-over-year comparison, it should at least be close. More...Weekend Wrap-Up and Holiday ScheduleDecember 30th, 2013
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Amazon has announced that Amazon Prime members can download select movies and TV episodes for offline viewing, at no additional charge. This works on all Apple iPhones, iPads, and Android-based devices. You may need to update your apps to the most recent version to enable this feature (iOS / Android). Here is their announcement page and the official press release.
And what can we really call a new classic? What in recent vintage can hold its own on the big screen with the likes of The Searchers, The Godfather, The Rules of the Game, Seven Samurai or Citizen Kane? Some film journalists even think the movie star is a thing of the past.
127. Today, as the Church seeks to experience a profound missionary renewal, there is a kind of preaching which falls to each of us as a daily responsibility. It has to do with bringing the Gospel to the people we meet, whether they be our neighbours or complete strangers. This is the informal preaching which takes place in the middle of a conversation, something along the lines of what a missionary does when visiting a home. Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey.
The flutter kick in freestyle swimming requires repetitive quadriceps contraction, which may result in patellofemoral overload.35 Increased patellofemoral contact stresses resulting in anterior knee pain also occur during wall push-off, due to forceful quadriceps contraction with the knee in a high degree of flexion, or during starts and turns when the knee is in a partial squat position.35 These motions may present with patellar tendinitis.
The actor - who is now one of the biggest names in Hollywood - was a guest on Aussie radio show Fitzy & Wippa, where the hosts asked her about how she coped with all the nudity in her latest movie, Babylon.
Sunday night since the late 20s the ceremony has influence marketing distribution tastingHouston conversations with in the movie industry but not everyone agrees about what it means to receiverisi one of the golden statuettes 20 the sower to talk about the Oscars and in the yearthe year in film in 2013 are Austin McCann is general manager of the art theater in ChampaignAndroid spy phone Eric Robertsdefine credit for WGN radio and contributed in the wire .com welcome Merrick bankthank you for having you can join the conversation at 802 22944
so we had to go out with make decisions based on what is wanted what distributorwanted negotiating those relationships another kind of things up I was wondering howhow you first team to love movies was there was something that you saw the child are some just VermontWashington ring on it you can remember watching movies that to becoming a big fanI think most Americans like movies was apart of Michael Cho educatorsmy dad was a big part of that I was reflecting on the past week to think about my crushmicrite area for something I really like in one of the best compliment my my dad
fruit with whisper campaigns like that um something people vote for the friends the vote forFurby no no altar all different kinds reasons why peoplevote the way they do um so I need to have to say the Oscars representthe best we get from movie the movie your is not certifiednever been a case even if you know every once in awhile a broken clock is correct ahso yeahyeah sup what are the most undeserving nominations what what some of thethe movie that may be your little overrated did your left palm
are the secrets that exist in why would you want to make that film and the filmfilm that starts off as a casual remembrance and then becomes you know a berryvery intriguing mystery write a personal mystery but then divided by the end of the moviebecome something with no worries for the question the idea of memory and the way we tell storehow stories in the way that you know if I tell you to know that this person is a good person or badbad person that has a ripple effect on the rest of the world is it might be a small ripplemight be a pebble in ocean but its is the way the way that language in storytelling
Ellen and rumors can you know true trade in the world for a to make ahow to make a little better or worse Place ebony body wants to try man with a movie that they thoughtGod is not to mention that should be mentioned on the weather in the OscarsGeorgia on their own personal top 10 to 20 West 802 to 29455can email it will dash talk at Illinois .edu we talk to Bill about documentariesresults Eric children Childress what is the Acropolis for the eye doctorporn from here to have seen to many of them 2ff7e9595c